When Usually It's Nothing has come to and end, because my life has turned into, ah. something else.
I have learned so much from you knit bloggers out there, and made some really neat friends.
I have been diagnosed with terminal cancer and I am blogging the transition to the next phase in my life on my new blog, How Soon Is Now.
Please visit and comment often, it means the world to me.
All for now........
I read a lot of bloggers and came across yours. Terminal is bad news, except all of us are terminal in one way or another.
I think of it as changing forms.
Please know I am sure a lot of people will pray for you.
Posted by: rickdavis | August 17, 2005 at 05:40 PM
I can only imagine how you are feeling.
Two members of my family have been devastated by cancer news this summer as well.
I believe in the power of prayer and I have added you to my prayers.
I just want you to know that someone is thinking of you and really caring about you.
That's me!!!
Posted by: Dorothy | September 15, 2005 at 01:34 PM