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That's a really beautiful kitchen.I want it.Badly !


WOW. What an amazing transformation. I love the warmth of the new kitchen. It feels inviting!!


Your kitchen is gorgeous! I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Congratulations, it looks great. Makes me long for living in a non-NYC House...


wow, that's amazing. what a gorgeous kitchen. I'm going to steal it :) Enjoy!

General Ginger

Glad it turned out as beautiful as it did. Now you can sit and bask in the orange loveliness. Can't wait to see the bathroom redos. Hope it won't be seven months again.


ummmm. PRETTY!!

I really like it ;o)


That is one nice kitchen! And I don't even like kitchens. ;p I really like the simple cabinets.


Looks a lot like my kitchen except, six years later, we haven't gotten to the painting part.


Very sexual. But that lighting is going to piss you off eventually.


Lovely kitchen! it turned out so well! I'm sorry it was such a hassle. What a pretty shade of orange on the walls--I think I like it better than our orange (although we're moving now so it doesn't matter). Great job!


Apparently, its not just the Pope and my blog that are dead around here........YAWNNNNNNN


LOL. For a second there I thought your first photo was the finished kitchen. I was ready with a supportive "once you fix that dishwasher, it's going to be GREAT." Very relieved to see such a lovely result--you're going to love cooking in there, reheating your coffee, whatever. Congratulations!


Honey, why don't you do us all a big favor and shut this blog down? Its about as tired and worn out as you....maybe not quite that bad yet, but honestly! Two months since your last post? Bitch, please!


So pretty! Made me jealous...I want do redo our kitchen. I love the color on the walls!


Wow, what a change! Looks great.


very interesting, but I don't agree with you

House painting Melbourne

Changes made it more beautiful, looks amazing. Now you will love to spend time there as clean and beautiful kitchen always attracts a woman to cook.

 toronto bathroom renovations

What a design provide in this kitchen. I think you are so mind blowing person. I am very impressive saw inn this well done work. That's great finished in your kitchen. I love in this nice lighting.

Toronto Bathroom Renovations

I like you’re good feed back. These are collection a pretty rural, and effective. I am very impressive saw inn this well done work. That's great finished in your kitchen. Now you will love to spend time there as clean and beautiful kitchen always attracts a woman to cook. Lovely kitchen! it turned out so well! I'm sorry it was such a hassle. I think that would make a cute little house. I love this nice peace design! Thanks share this good post.

interior designer mississauga

Looking so beautiful. Really it’s a wonderful transformation. Wall color is superb. I am waiting to see the bathroom redos.

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