1. I am 40 years old, but don’t feel it.
2. I was born and raised in Saginaw, Michigan.
3. I left home shortly after graduating from college.
4. I have a BA in history, an MS in library science. I am also a nurse.
5. I never wanted to have children, even when I was a little child. Ask my mother….
6. My dogs, and cat are my children.
7. My animals have been better to me than many people in my past.
8. I will eat just about anything except veal.
9. I do not like sweet potatoes, but I will eat them.
10. I am a rabid bleeding heart liberal Democrat.
11. I share my life with a misinformed (tee hee) republican.
12. I believe there is still hope .
13. I think it is in bad taste to discuss religion, money, or politics with people you are not very
closely related.
14. #13 has served me very well…..
15. My mother taught me to knit back in the late 1960’s.
16. I was the model of a perfect child.
17. I rebelled after I completed graduate school.
18. Most of my twenties and early thirties are a big blur.
19. I used to read a lot. Now I read only a couple of books a year.
20. I do not suffer whiners easily.
21. I try to respect everyone, even if I do not see eye to eye with him or her.
22. I have several tattoos.
23. I took out my piercing recently.
24. I was voted class prep in high school.
25. I still prefer plain, clean cut, preppy clothes.
26. I could wear penny loafers and Birkenstocks everyday.
27. I used to wear my hair long, down to the center of my back.
28. My hair is short now.
29. I weighed 125 lbs in grad school.
30. I weighed 200 + lbs a couple of years ago.
31. I now weigh 165 lbs @ 5’9”
32. The 200+ lbs were happy weight.
33. I love going to the beach, but not at 200+ lbs.
34. I love my Macintosh computers and anything Apple!
35. We have five computers networked around the house.
36. We have several computers just sitting there.
37. I could live the rest of my life without cable TV.
38. I do not wait in lines.
39. If it takes longer to check out than it did to shop in a store, I will leave.
40. I HATE Wal-Mart, but still shop there.
41. I will shop at Wal-Mart gladly as soon as the workers unionize. It WILL happen.
42. I subscribe to Vogue, W, The Utne Reader, Macworld, Game Informer, and The New Yorker.
43. I love watching DVD’s but hate attending movie theaters.
44. I LOVE Ethel Merman.
45. I have really bad allergies.
46. I personally do not use drugs but I think they should be legalized.
47. I have no respect for drunk drivers. I cannot even try to respect them.
48. Diet Coke is my breakfast.
49. I used to love to drink, beer, liquor, but don’t drink much anymore.
50. I love a frozen margarita.
51. My favorite movie is Hannah and Her Sisters.
52. I love Woody Allen movies.
53. When I was a child, all I could ever think about was growing up and leaving home.
54. I always viewed my education as the ticket out!
55. I had anything I needed as a child but was not happy.
56. I am now happy; I have been “home” three times since leaving in 1987.
57. I am not one of those bitter people who blame all their problems on their unhappy childhood.
58. I don’t blame anyone, really, for anything.
59. I tend to be very self involved.
60. I go to church every week.
61. I think about leaving the church every week.
62. I have been present for the birth of a child.
63. I have held someone while they died.
64. #’S 62 and 63 are the most profound things I have ever experienced in my life, so far…..
65. I think everyone should tell their friends and loved ones how much they appreciate them.
66. I used to have lots of acquaintances, now I have a couple of good friends.
67. I keep in touch with one person I knew from high school.
68. I just moved to a new state (VA).
69. I am starting a new job running a medical library in two days.
70. My parents were divorced when I was five or six years old.
71. I never saw them together until my Honor Society banquet my senior year of high school.
72. It was tense. I flipped a coin to see who I would sit with, I remember flipping the coin but not who I sat with.
73. I love Sandra Bernhard
74. I used to drive a Jeep, I now drive a truck, and I really miss the Jeep.
75. I am not much into cars. I am thinking about another convertible though.
76. I love coffee.
77. I prefer butter to margarine.
78. My favorite meal is polish sausage and sauerkraut with mashed potatoes, cut up and mixed together.
79. I love wearing fleece, especially since moving to a colder climate.
80. I have nieces and nephews I have never met.
81. I have siblings I have only talked to once in the last ten years. There is no bad blood between us.
82. I find it very hard to respect fundamentalist Christians.
83. The only thing I respect about Ronald Reagan is his daughter Patty and his son Ron.
84. I have only spent one holiday with any family members since leaving home in 1987.
85. They came to see me.
86. I do not like to travel.
87. I have a weakness for electronic gadgets.
88. I have to many digital cameras.
89. I used to spend all my money on art.
90. I have enough art to fill several houses.
91. My current house has only two pieces of art hung.
92. I wish I were taller.
93. I wish my hair would either go all gray or stay brown.
94. My hair has been every color imaginable, from cherry red to platinum white.
95. I wear reading glasses when working on the computer a lot.
96. I do not know where my reading glasses are presently.
97. I have about 40 wristwatches.
98. I wish I were more stylish
99. Writing this list was easy.
100. I did not include any of the juicy stuff in this list, tee hee.
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