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I won't list one hundred, but here are a few things Max the author omitted:
1. He's a most dependable friend.
2. Legs. His are hot. White Hot. HAFS.
3. You would never guess he was forty.
4. Physically resembles Isaac Mizrahi when Miss Mizrahi was featured in Unzipped. "Why do you show this $%#@ to me? Don't show this stuff to me!" (only Max is thinner and much cuter.)
5. Drives like a granny.
6. Knits like a fiend. (But you probably already knew that)
7. Serves a girl espresso and bon bons on silver trays.
No, really.
8. Will help you find that perfect outfit for whatever occasion.
9. And help you straighten your hair for it.
10. Is always there when you need him and is well loved for it.
Bonus: Makes a great bridesmaid.


Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! {but you may be ready for glasses, darlin!} You can see I've not been a-skimping on the holiday treats! Happy New Year to you and your critters! xxxx,s


Happy New Year !


You found a list of 100 easy? I'm impressed. I found reading yours pleasant... I tried to write a list of 100 things about myself about a year ago, and I just could not think of enough things to finish it.

It's sort of funny... I have so many things to say, I'm just full of words. On top of that, I would estimate that I'm self-focused to be honest. Just the same, a list of 100 things about me was too hard for me to complete. I was surprised. Maybe it would be easy on a different day, but I think I give up on this idea. For a while.


Happy New Year!


I worked my way diligently through your 100 list - great reading - and fell about laughing at #100. Glad you know when to stop - I'm older than you and wish I'd learned sooner!


At first I thought your 100 was me!

Alas, I'm older, not wiser.

Can we talk?

Gentle as you go,
from OH, then NY, and now CA . . . and still not unpacked.

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