I had a wonderful time with some dear friends this past week. Saturday evening was spent with a former colleague and mentor from my days in Orlando, FL. We had a great visit playing catch-up and chatting about old times. I wish we could see more of each other, perhaps in the future. Monday evening brought some more friends to DC. My dear friends April and Chip. April and I lived together for years in Macon, GA. A and C were celebrating their third wedding anniversary this week and they are still going strong!
We ran around DC like little kids and had a blast. This was the fist time Chip had ever seen DC and I know he had a good time. We visited all the memorials and a few of the museums. Here is a picture of part of the WWII Memorial. This memorial takes my breath away.
One of the neatest things we saw this week was Julia Child's kitchen installed in the Smithsonian.

I just loved that lady. She was so funny without even trying. I remember watching her when I was a lttle kid. This kitchen brought back memories.
I took LOTS of pictures and the next one is my favorite from this weeks excursions. This is the Lincoln Memorial viewed from the WWII Memorial.
We had a neat visit to the Jefferson Memorial as well. The three of us were the only people there.
Now for a little knitting content. April brought a skein of Berroco Hip-Hop yarn and I made this hat from this free pattern on the Berroco site.

April requested a little "Tweedy Flower" For her lapel and I came up with this...
I used a leaf pattern from some book I had in my collection and the Flower pattern from this Gorgeous Creation!
April Loved the result and I think it will look great on her lapel.
I am alone for the remainder of this week so i was up very late last night and cast on for "James" from the Jane Ellison Noro book 2. I was up untill three am knitting... the bag of Kureyon I bought before I left Macon, GA is as soft as soft can be. It is musch softer than some other balls of Kureyon I have bought in the past. I am not complaining mind you. Has anyone else had this experience with Kureyon? So, I knit James full steam ahead, albeit with a few modifications from the original pattern. More on the modifications later.
It has been a full week. All for now......
Fab flower ! I'm gradually building up to knitting Folly and have a growing collection of flowers.
Both Kureyon and Silk Garden are very variable witth regard to softness.I've had some really soft examples of both and have yet to meet a really scratchy example of either,once you pick out the debri. ;-]
Looking forward to seeing/reading about your modifications.N.B. Jane Ellison is very tall with very long arms...
Posted by: Emma | October 22, 2004 at 04:22 PM
I miss you already and can't wait to come back. I am signing up for a Thursday morning knitting class as soon as the flood repairs are finished on Yarn Paradise's building. In the meantime, more knitting and purling boredom (actually, I don't mind the monotony at all). Thanks for a fabulous time. Looking forward to the spring in DC!
Posted by: avril | October 23, 2004 at 01:35 AM
Julia Child was hilarious. I sat behind her at the movies once, and I don't think I've ever heard such a running commentary in my life. She had us in fits of laughter, and the movie was Goodfellas!
I love the tweedy flower!
Posted by: Adrian | October 26, 2004 at 10:33 AM