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Fab flower ! I'm gradually building up to knitting Folly and have a growing collection of flowers.
Both Kureyon and Silk Garden are very variable witth regard to softness.I've had some really soft examples of both and have yet to meet a really scratchy example of either,once you pick out the debri. ;-]
Looking forward to seeing/reading about your modifications.N.B. Jane Ellison is very tall with very long arms...


I miss you already and can't wait to come back. I am signing up for a Thursday morning knitting class as soon as the flood repairs are finished on Yarn Paradise's building. In the meantime, more knitting and purling boredom (actually, I don't mind the monotony at all). Thanks for a fabulous time. Looking forward to the spring in DC!


Julia Child was hilarious. I sat behind her at the movies once, and I don't think I've ever heard such a running commentary in my life. She had us in fits of laughter, and the movie was Goodfellas!

I love the tweedy flower!

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